The Blog of Jake Kelfer
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It’s the first day of kindergarten and all the families were bringing their sons and daughters for the very first time. It was a day of pure excitement and joy, for the parents that is. There was one little girl, in particular, Melissa was her name, who was more excited than the rest of the children. She was glowing with positive energy, smiling from ear to ear. The other children were figuring out if they should cry because their parents were leaving or fully commit to all the fun and nap time they were about to have. Little did they know that this youthful and bubbly girl would start a chain reaction that would change their lives forever. You see, this little girl came from a family with 2 older brothers, and two working parents. Her oldest brother, Max was 15 and a sophomore in high school and her other brother Tony, the middle child, was 11 and getting ready to go into junior high. Even though Tony was the middle child, he was more mature than everyone in his class. Her mom, Sarah, was an executive working at one of the largest consulting firms in the world, and her dad, John, was a math teacher who worked at the high school Max attended. Melissa’s parents were the type of people who wanted the very best for their children and did everything they could to make sure they showed their love on a daily basis. You could say that Melissa had a family who deeply cared about her, but being the youngest of 3 siblings, she was different. No one could pinpoint what exactly made her different, but everyone knew she was just different. When all the children finally calmed down, Melissa started doing her thing. At the ripe age of 5, Melissa invited her newfound friends to sit with her and play games. She said please and thank you with the upmost sincerity as if she’d been doing it her whole life. Right before the end of the day, she went up to her teacher Mrs. Ness, puffed out her chest, and exclaimed, “Today was the best first day ever! Thank you!” Her teacher went home that night and talked with her husband, rather she gushed about her day to her husband. She was still in shock when she shared the compliment Melissa gave her and rightfully so. This 5 year old girl brought a light of happiness into her life that she never could’ve have expected, so the next day she promised to make sure she did something for her students. Once everyone arrived the next morning, they walked into the classroom only to be greeted with hugs and fist bumps from Mrs. Ness. Mrs. Ness decided that if Melissa could make her feel special on the first day of kindergarten then she could make her students feel special everyday of the school year. The students loved the new greeting and even the students who were still getting adjusted started to smile and laugh with Melissa and the rest of the class. This was going to be a great year Mrs. Ness thought. While Mrs. Ness was impacting her students’ lives, Mr. Ness was still reflecting over what his wife had told him last night. He knew how nervous his wife was for her first day of teaching, so for Melissa to say what she said, it made Mr. Ness so grateful… So grateful that when he was on his way to work, he bought 24 cups of coffee - one for each employee of his company. His company was on the verge of losing their biggest client, so this was more than just about coffee. Mr. Ness always tried to do the right thing, but today it wasn’t about him; it was about doing something kind for someone else. It was his turn to pay it forward and give his employees the positive start to the morning they deserved… and some of them desperately needed. His employees were so excited to have fresh coffee and so thankful for Mr. Ness looking out for them that they decided to start a new routine. Every morning when they got to work, they would spend the first 10 minutes expressing what they were grateful for. They called it the The Ritual. As things would have it, an executive from a competitor company by the name of Mr. Kind heard about The Ritual from his friend and began to wonder how this company retained their biggest client and brought on two more in just a few weeks. He called up his friend and his friend told him that his boss, Mr. Ness changed the entire atmosphere with his one act of kindness. The executive liked what he heard and started to think about how he could implement this with his own team. As Mr. Kind was walking home that day, he came across a homeless person and per usual he walked right by her. About 10 steps later he came across a taco truck and it clicked. He bought 4 tacos and a cold water and brought them back to the homeless person. The homeless person was so shocked she jumped up and gave him a huge hug. She couldn’t believe that a man in a nice, fancy suit stopped to give her food. Thirty minutes later, Mr. Kind continued his walk home with his head held high and a new friend in Susie. The next day, Susie was walking around trying to scrape some money together for food that night when she stumbled upon a wallet. It was filled with cash (about $200), a picture of his family, a gift card to Taco Bell, an ID card, and an emergency contact list. It belonged to a high school student at the local high school who just celebrated his 15th birthday. She contemplated taking the money, but there was a voice inside her head that said “not today.” Instead, she walked to the closest payphone and called the first person on the emergency contact list. A lady answered, “Hello?” Susie responded, “I think I found your son’s wallet. Is his name Max?” “Yes, it is. Why thank you. Is there some place I can meet you?” “I don’t have a car, but I’m at a payphone about a mile from the elementary school. Can we meet there?” “Of course we can! Thank you so much for calling.” An hour later, the woman arrived to pick up her son’s wallet from Susie. She thanked her and offered her lunch, which she politely accepted. While all of this was happening, a bubbly, little girl was peeking through the window from her kindergarten classroom with the biggest smile on her face watching as her mom retrieved her brother's wallet from the homeless lady.
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Hey, I'M JAKE!I am on a mission to help ambitious entrepreneurs and freedom seekers start their dream business, build a world-class network, and scale to 6 figures!